The fragility of democracy in a far away galaxy
Ticket sale for this event has endedDuring this conference, our guests will explore the subtle links between the works of science fiction and political science. They will shed light on the social, political and ethical issues raised by science fiction. What do these interpretations of our world tell us ? What futures do they project ? Do they reflect the actual power struggles within our Western societies ? What do they tell us about our fears, political concerns, and our ethical dilemmas ? How do we interpret the different world visions presented in these works ?
Samuel Labrecque has a Masters in applied political studies at the Université de Sherbrooke. He is involved in cases regarding elders at the Quebec Association for the Defense of Rights of Retired and Pre-retired persons (AQDR), and as a concertation agent at the Table régionale de concertation de la Conférence régionale des élus de l’Estrie.
Isabelle Lacroix has been an assistant professor at the School of Applied Politics at Université de Sherbrooke since 2008 and its director since 2015. Having always been a great science fiction enthusiast, she frequently uses popular works in this genre in class, to stimulate discussion as well as reflection on the matter.