4 to 6 | QUEER

May 29, 2021 at 16:00la MeunerieKama La Mackerel(Montreal), Alexandre Rainville (Saint-Jean-de-Matha), Les Soeurs de la perpétuelle indulgence (Montreal)12 - 15 $

Tickets are no longer available online.

Enjoy this activity from home! This event is available as a webcast on lepointdevente.com until June 13 2021.

Click here to buy a ticket for the webcast

For this theme night, we welcome:

Alexandre Rainville, writer-poet and his conference Masks of the Queer, an introduction to the interrelations between sexes, bodies and desire in a dynamic blurring of borders between categories;

Les Sœurs de la perpétuelle indulgence (The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence), will present their very colourful militant actions; and