Git Hayetsk Dancers (Colombie Britannique)
Fous comme des balais
PerformanceSeptember 23, 2017 at 14:00Le CamilloisMasques et Motions and Les Broches à foin (St-Camille, QC)10 $
On-site onlyMarie Tison and Denis Clément, directors of Masques et Motions / Les Broches à foin, visit the festival for the third time with this company’s young and talented interpreters and their classical mask performance.
Interpretation: Némo Boisclair-Fleury, Phoebé Boisclair-Fleury, Pénélope Clément-Tison, Philémon Clément-Tison, Isis Colson Vigneault, Amédé Dusseault, Philomène Lemay
Under the direction of Marie Tison and Denis Clément