Accueil>Le festival>Édition>2011>Chevaliers and Re-belle

Chevaliers and Re-belle

May 28, 2011 at 17:00P'tit BonheurSolo, Sacha and Vince (Québec) and Acor (Cameroun)5$


On-site only

CHEVALIERS- A potpourri of masked and veiled plays

By: SOLO, SACHA AND VINCE (Montreal, Quebec)

Educated young men, stupid, privileged, noble, have reasons to be delighted.
Nothing less than their life is, however, demanded to them in exchange of their privileges.
The gravity center of their identity provides the equilibrium between the youth explosive power and their duty’s heaviness. Between present time and their fate, they are able to choose sports, loving, gratuitous and transcendent plays.

SOLO, SACHA AND VINCE are three mimes of the 2007 promotion at the “L’école de Mime de Montréal”. Experienced improvisators, full of muscles, curiosity and ambition, they start their adult’s artist’s and man’s way. They present “Chevaliers” due to the instigation of Tania Henandez, a cosmopolitan mime, an amateur gymnast with a heart of princess and of chevalier.


By: ACOR (Yaoundé, Cameroun)

Her name is crazy viper, she is a rebel child soldier who carry a doll in one hand and a Kalachnikov in the other.
In the middle of a silly war which made her to become a killing machine, in a lucidity moment, she reminds her days of beauty. In those days, it was before she was kidnapped, drugged and forced into a rebellion about which she does not know anything else but answering to orders. She attempts, then to recover her lost purity. She must remove the mask of rebel and recover her beauty. But at what price?

ACOR has been created at Yaoundé in 2006 by a group of young theatre artists willing to put to light their vision of a theatre with neither cameroun nor occidental coloration…
Since 2006, the Company produced half a dozen plays which were presented at several festivals among which two were awarded by prizes.