Accueil>Le festival>Édition>2009>Masks, Ritual and Cure

Masks, Ritual and Cure

May 28, 2009 at 19:30P'tit BonheurAlexandra Duchastel

Since the beginning of time, the mask has bee utilized as a healing therapeutic power and in initiation rites of passage in almost all civilizations. These masks were used to communicate existential messages and to provoke certain of life’s stages. We witness the fears; desires, life forces and unconscious realities of their creator. Once created, the mask’s mere presence constitutes an extraordinary occasion of exploration of the intimate universe and to unearth certain hidden personality traits.

By wearing the mask and by play we are permitted to visit our darkest and enlightened selves, to get to know them and to live in harmony amongst them. The ritual creates the perfect climatic zone beneficial for internal healing, a wonderful adventure in the discovery of oneself – ideal as a catalysis towards a new life project, transition or the indication of passage.

SPEAKER: Alexandra Duchastel
Alexandra is a psychologist and art therapist. She uses art, dreams, play and the body in psychotherapy since 1993. She animates numerous art therapy and rituals of passing through life’s stages all based on the process. Alexandra is especially interested in self healing rituals and works with cancer and other terminally ill patients. Alexandra is teaching art therapy at the University of Abitibi-Témiscamingue and also obtained a diploma from the HEC in Gestion of the Arts. In 2000, she was the founding member of THEMENOS for psychotherapies by the arts, creative thinking and the body.

Alexandra has a certificate in Fine Arts from the University de Quebéc à Montréal and she also invited as an artist to numerous expositions in painting and sculpture. She has published her first essay, “La Voie de l’imaginaire: le processus en art-thérapie” by QUEBECOR, 2005.