Git Hayetsk Dancers (Colombie Britannique)
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Program 2023
30apr.18juneSchool of mask
Each edition, as part of this collective exhibition, we highlight the visual art works of upcoming youth from the Eastern Townships.
Details30apr.18juneMasq’alors! The Expo
This is one of our highly anticipated traditions: around fifteen artists from the region take over the Hortense's space in P’tit bonheur to share their unique vision of the mask with us. A variety of mediums and artistic techniques are featured.
Details30apr.18june(Dé)Masquer / (Un)Masking / (Des)Enmascararse
The works of art presented in this exhibition function like processes and forms of reasoning, that review the connection between our confined bodies and space, the implications of physical limitations in social interaction and our own identity.
Details20may5juneNostalgia of origins
Nostalgie des origines is a large size photographic series that explores the moving complexity of in-betweens. Taken during an artistic residency in an academic environment, the photos show children wearing paper masks.
Details20may5juneThe masked village
The masks are invading the village! They are everywhere! Hidden in the foliage, around a post or on a balcony… Even the masked moose are coming out of their groves!
Details25may17:0025julyIntergalactic masks – Second Life Project
This exhibition offers a series of acrylic paintings on recycled wood masks, treasures of a thousand stories from foreign lands, abandoned for ages, covered in dust and darkened with time.
Details27may14:00Imperial Fortress Garrison
The Imperial Fortress Garrison comes to visit to spread joy amongst the young and the old by offering them a unique experience from a far, far away galaxy.
The Nanarland team has concocted 3 thematic video edits, one dedicated to Star Wars’ failed copies, another to vague heroes in movies that are just as such, and one that combines unclassifiables.
Details27may16:00The fragility of democracy in a far away galaxy
During this conference, our guests will explore the subtle links between the works of science fiction and political science. They will shed light on the social, political and ethical issues raised by science fiction.
Details27may19:30Cosmix Quiz!
Festive events
The Off festival! Cosmix offers the opportunity to touch up on our general culture around the theme of science-fiction. Come play in teams in a friendly atmosphere.
Festival tickets and shirts available to win! Would you be Game?
Details27may20:30May the fan be with you
This documentary follows Malgus, a Star Wars fan of generation X, collector and cosplayer, and a few other fans. We follow them in their daily life in order to understand why so much gratification derives from Star Wars.
Details28may14:00Creative and recreational afternoon
For the first time, Masq’alors! is at La Mitaine of Val-des-Sources for a cultural, artistic and playful Sunday afternoon. Indoor and outdoor family activities with a child-like spirit!
The art of Buffoon : Body becomes mask
Welcome to the physical theater training workshop where we explore the zany and grotesque world of the buffoon !
Details1june4juneA world to reunite
Usually, paper carries words for writing, notes for music, colours and textures for painting. The way Horta Van Hoye kneads and sculpts becomes her ink, her pen and her brush.
Details1june4juneMasks in all matter of ways!
It has become a tradition : the festival’s welcoming space will let you discover a whole bric-a brac of images, texts and unusual objects pertaining to mask. Heteroclite and unclassifiable, they have caught our eye and will surprise yours.
Details1juneCultural school day
We have the privilege of welcoming two Québec artists, deaf from birth, Marie-Pierre Petit and Jacques Hamon. A good opportunity to share and exchange to better get to know and understand one another, and make hearing impaired culture accessible.
Details1june17:00To your masks! Opening Gala
Festive events
The Masq’alors! team invites you to the traditional Masked Gala to celebrate this 8th edition together. This 5 to 7 will be the occasion to get a foretaste of our masked, long weekend!
Details1june19:00Uaajeerneq, Inuit masked dance
When Greenland was colonized, masked dances were forbidden by christianity…but the traditions continued in secret notably in the North and West of the island. These traditions are rooted in rituals that go back thousands of years.
Details1june20:30Gesichter Geschichten… Stories of faces
Paper Magic and Poetry. Laborer of the imaginary, and magician in her paper universe, Horta Van Hoye gives flesh and life to her creation, born to her hands.
Details2june11:30Meeting our Ivorian guests
A rendez-vous just for the pleasure of meeting, exchanging… and sharing the famous Camilloise pizza.
Details2june17:00Mad as brooms
Les Broches à foin (Marie Tison and Denis Clément) will present an excerpt from their upcoming show, a clownish duo, which traces a parallel between the children’s games of today and yesterday.
Details2june18:30Is the carnival nomadic?
Our three eminent guests will exchange on carnival festivities’ transatlantic travel between Europe, South and North America, and the common points between their rites and customs.
Details2june20:00Talent Show masquerade special
The tradition lives on after more than 18 years : evenings where amateurs and strangers dare to perform on a friendly stage and share their talent. In partnership with La Meunerie, we welcome you to a Talent show masquerade special!
Details2june20:30The Sighlence of Sky
A non-verbal mask and mime piece, The Sighlence of Sky is a tender ode to the heart-ache and the love that lives within family bonds, as a family navigates disability and neurodivergence.
Details3june10:00FaceBooth : a series of encounters through mask
The speaker-performer Catherine Cédilot, assisted by Maryline Fournier, will paint the picture of her vision and approach as well as present Pochinko’s method of making and wearing the mask with the distinct goal of seeing one’s inner clown blossom.
Details3june13:003june17:00Forgotten bread rolls – Québec expedition
The performance, poetic and surreal, is presented in the form of ‘curiosity cabinet’ where each element (collection of art objects, tools, precious relics) is showcased in small, wooden theatres, under window display or over sculpted footings.
Details3june14:00A comme Animal (A as Animal)
In a universe in constant transformation, an old man and a wolf cross paths without recognizing each other. Theater of imagery, A comme Animal unites on stage puppetry, dance and singing.
Details3june15:30Spring awakening
It’s spring! The depths of the earth are rising and waking up… A creature with multiple faces transforms, stretches and dances. Childrens’ bodies and mask wearers, become a single body that is born, lives, observes, listens to its inner rhymes…
The art of Buffoon : Mocking Theater
The art of Buffoon : Mocking Theater will highlight the work of it’s students after a week of intensive training, on stage before the public in Val-des-Sources.
Details3june17:00Cadian carnival dance workshop
Festive and rousing workshop with a Bayou and Southern prairies flavor of the North American continent, to learn how to dance the two-step and Cadian waltz, Louisiana’s traditional dances.
Details3june19:00Carnival in rural Louisiana
Erin Segura makes costumes and masks and every year she takes to the streets for Mardi Gras in the small village of Ossun, in Louisiana. She also researches Mardi Gras traditions in different villages of Louisiana.
A funny encampment and funny characters have settled in the village. Their motivations are diverse, and each as strange as the other. Some will meet, others will live the moment. What unites them? The location…
Details3june22:15Cadian carnival concert
You practiced well during the afternoon workshop of the festive and rousing Bayou and Southern prairies flavor of the North American continent ? Come and end the evening in Louisiana carnival style with the warm and exciting music of Grouyan Gombo.
Details4june10:30Apolline and the masked cat
Passionate about disguise, Apolline attempts to elucidate strange thefts along with her furry companion, Mr. Monroe. Activity for 4-8 year olds in partnership with the Saint-Camille library.
Details4june11:00Ivorian masked traditions
This conference will uncover the mask’s uncontested authority as judge, doctor, supreme chief, educator, and how its omnipresence and omnipotence bestows its role as regulator and guarantor of social stability.
Details4june13:00Who doesn’t have their mask yet?
The ideal workshop to create one’s own mask and be ready for the parade ! Festival goers of all ages, come and cut, glue, assemble and decorate ! A mix of materials will be made available but each is free to add their own!
Details4june13:00Le Grand Chaperon Rouge (Big Red Hoody)
Once upon a time, on your path, there was a big girl named Big Red Hoody. As she walks her wolf through towns and forests, she encounters all kinds of strangers. Grab a cake, move in closer to get a good look and discover who the grandmother is.
Details4june13:30Inuit mask makeup
We will watch the artist’s live transformation. While applying her makeup, she will explain her choice of colours and their symbolism, the materials used in ancient times as well as answer all the questions you have about the impressive mask makeups.
Details4june14:30Initiation to Beijing Opera
Through this performance, Michelle Jiang & Aurore Liang plunge us into the the world of popular tales from China, but also in the universe of Beijing Opéra.
Details4june16:00Masked procession
Festive events
Culmination point of the festival, the procession is always awaited with excitement! Along the course we will be invited to dance to the Brazilian carnival rhythms provided by the 15 musicians from Saint-Adrien’s batucada led by Shanti Legault.
Details4june17:30Cultural Identity
Through chants and orchestrated rhythms using traditional instruments (balafon, djembe,...), Identité Culturelle takes us at the heart of different Ivorian peoples’ ancestral customs.
It’s the tradition, the festival ends with the projection of very, very short films (maximum 5 min.), shot during the event by the artists, the masked teams, the festival-goers, regardless of their age.
Details Press archives 2023
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