Git Hayetsk Dancers (Colombie Britannique)


May 27, 2023 at 15:00La MeunerieNanarland (France)5 $


Ticket sale for this event has ended

The term “nanar” is employed by certain French cinephiles to designate particularly bad films which we pride ourselves in watching or go out to see in order to mock and/or draw pleasure from to a degree, guilty or not.

Since 2001, the french collective Nanarland has shared its passion for bad, sympathetic movies through its website, shows and documentary web-series, DVD editions, books, podcasts and film projections. As French specialists of films that are so bad they become funny, they organize each year La nuit Nanarland that brings together hundreds of fans in one of the largest cinemas in Paris.

Specifically for our OFF!Cosmix, the Nanarland team has concocted 3 thematic video edits, one dedicated to Star Wars’ failed copies, another to vague heroes in movies that are just as such, and one that combines unclassifiables.

Two members of the Nanarland team will be present via video, and the activity will be hosted  by Daniel Riouall (France), front row fan.