Accueil>Le festival>Édition>2013>Felix Mirbt: The Mask and the Pupeteer

Felix Mirbt: The Mask and the Pupeteer

May 28, 2013 at 19:30P'tit BonheurMarcelle Hudon (Québec)5$


On-site only

Presentation and demonstration of masks and totem objects made by Felix Mirbts.

Felix Mirbt was born in Germany in 1931. In 1954, he became a resident of Québec. His artistic journey, as a singular puppet master and a striking figure of contemporary theatre, traverses from marionettes to abstract sculptures. Haunted by his childhood and fascinated by the image`s strength, he became interested by the role of the manipulator and by scenic rituals. With this in mind, he approaches the mask.

With Mirbt, the mask is inherent to the actor; it can be separated from him, but it also behaves as a meaningful autonomous object. He wrote in his journal: “When I create an image, it is not to make a striking first impression; I want you to take the image with you for the rest of your life.”

A collaborator of Felix Mirbt for almost ten years,  MARCELLE HUDON is a puppeteer. A performer of nouveau theatre, she has been working with puppets, objects, shadows, and mask for almost 30 years. Along with her expertise, she brings us a selection of many masks made by Felix Mirbt; we will discover Mirbt`s unique means of using these masks.