How make-up becomes mask
Duration :
70hrs of workshop activities consisting of 55hrs of theatrical training and 15hrs of live mask performances and conferences given by invited international guests and artists. An excellent informal opportunity to mingle and exchange ideas with international theatrical mask specialists.
Contents :
– body work
– voice training
– energy and emotions
– caracter creation
– guided improvisations
– public presentation
Targeted clientel : Artists from here and abroad and the interested public.
Teacher :
Sabine Delanoy (France)
Actrice and director, Sabine Delanoy has been teaching her art through out Europe. The body, the make-up mask, the traditional mask and the clown nose are the essential elements in her workshops and performances. Over forty theatrical pieces have been created under her name.
Professional training :
– Conservatoire National des Arts du Mime de Paris ;
– Etienne DECROUX, body mime ;
– Théâtre du Mouvement : Claire HEGGEN et Yves MARC ;
– Roy Hart Théâtre with Boris MOORE, multiple voices ;
– Sophie and Philippe HOTTIER, theatre ;
Sabine’s research and creation has been influenced by various forms of martial arts and oriental dance :
– Qi Qong, with Serge AUGIER ;
– Chan (meditation and observation) with Alain BOUTET ;
– Kyudo, Kalaripayat, Kathakali…
A word fom the teacher :
The same way that an actor lets himself be approached by the mask
to take it and place it on his face…
we will let ourselves be guided by a color, a detail.
And there before our eyes, a caracter will be born,
this unknown person that we will attempt to give the breath of life.
Like the actor who lets himself be transported by the mask,
we will let ourselves be transposed by the other « me »…
… and give theatre her place.