Git Hayetsk Dancers (Colombie Britannique)
Accueil>Le festival>Édition>2013>Public Presentation of the Noh Workshop

Public Presentation of the Noh Workshop

Lever de rideau
June 01, 2013 at 13:30Salle l'ÉquerreStagiaires sous la direction de Masato Matsuura (Japon)Free

As a traditional Japanese theatre originally presented for the samurais, noh is extremely ritualistic and codified. Specific masks represent characters whose gestural styles are accompanied by song. After having successfully completed a fifty-hour workshop, the participants will invite the public to a showing of their newly discovered treasures.  During the presentation, MASATO MATSUURA and his students will allow us to discover the specific character of the noh actor, the choreography and song of this ancestral art form that often seems enigmatic. Masato Matsura will demonstrate the interplay of masks and traditional Japanese sabre techniques.