Git Hayetsk Dancers (Colombie Britannique)
Press room
Welcome to the media area!
Thank you for your interest in Masq’alors! Below you will find pictures of shows and our press releases.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information.
- Press release 2023 (french version)
- Press release 2023
- Press release 2021 (french version)
- Press release 2021
- dévoilement-programmation-Masqalors-2021
- Communiqué de presse 2017
- POUR CONFCrédit Photo Daniel Tual-Loizeau
- Bois d'Ébène, 2017Photo Credit Lily Hook3
- Raphael Hillebrand, dans the maskcredit_r_hillebrand
- Raphael Hillebrandcredit_r_hillebrand
- Polina Borisova, dans Gocredit_giorgio_pupella
- Gocredit_polina_borisova
- Fous comme des balais, maques et motioncredit_marie_tison
- 3 petits vieux, theatre 2 du fretcredit_olivier_bochenek
Thank you to our main partners